Hi Room 18! Welcome to our class blog space for 2011.
This will be your first posting area and you will use this as a place to introduce yourselves. You have all read the class blogging rules and understand that our thoughts, ideas and information are available to be read from anywhere in our world.
You can publish without a Google account, but it's best if you sign up with one. If you publish without a Google account, you MUST include your name. If your name is not included in your post it will not be published. Please include your first name when posting without an account.
So, now it is time to write a brief introduction about yourself. Include these things:
Your first name, and your year level.
Some family information – for example who you live with – no names please.
You may wish to name the area you live in. For example – Mt Albert, Sandringham, Mt Eden, Balmoral.
If you have links to other countries tell us about them. Maybe you have lived in other countries?
Some of your interests.
Set yourself some big goals for 2011 – they can be class related, sport related or even outside of school. What is it that you really want to achieve this year? We can look at these and aim to achieve them!
I am really looking forward to our blogging journey and can’t wait to read your comments.
Let’s get blogging Room 18!!