Welcome to Hiringa's Term 4 home learning portal.
Here you will find ideas for home learning, key dates that tasks are due and of course great resources and links you can access from home to support your class learning and home practise.
Our intention and belief is that homework needs to include family time and having fun, although including some extra learning away from school can help keep you on top of your learning. It should not be a burden but be rewarding ... did we mention - fun!
Checkpoint 17th November Wk 5 - briefly discuss your progress so far.
During Wk 9 - sharing!
We are about to go on our own EOTC experience at Camp Adair, Hunua and to tie in with this our final home learning focus for the year is NATURE!

So, without further ado your options are so wide and vast that you can choose to learn about anything new, as long as it is able to be catergorised with NATURE!
The CHALLENGE is to base your learning on something you can touch, interact with, investigate, bring in samples or photos, try and solve a problem in nature, learn about the history, the land, the rivers, the ocean, states of matter, gases, human bodies/animals/behaviours, plan experiments and test, trial, modify, collect findings, grow some seeds and track the progress, the list goes on and on.
Remember you must be able to touch and/or interact with your learning project; research from Internet or books only won't be enough. Get out and experience it! You will need to work with your families to make some of this happen.

Don’t forget to think about your Balmoral Habits as you complete your project, and all the learning areas you are using (literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, philosophy etc)
They say that the best preparation for writing is to read widely. Reading for 15 minutes a day not only gives you access to information, it can also expose you to language and ideas that make your writing interesting for your reader and grammatically right.
Personal reading and writing can be a great escape from what is happening around you. It’s your chance to explore stories, poetry and different ways to graphically record details you need to remember. Check the links on this page for a wide range of things to learn.
If you’re worried about your spelling, there are many websites that you can play words games with, like Spell City or Free Rice (which donates rice to food programmes for every meaning you get right). Don’t forget to check out the links on each of the Shires’ blog pages for more options.
Additional games and awesome learning! Top Marks, and Knowledge Adventure.
How are those time tables going? Have you learnt them all yet? We can’t stress enough how much knowing your time tables will not only help you find fractions, but also help you with other maths questions. Knowing your time tables and number facts will also free you up for learning new maths strategies and solving maths problems.
Additional games and awesome learning! Top Marks, and Knowledge Adventure.
Sometimes singing them will help you. America teacher Mr De Maio has a number of time tables (2-8) set to popular songs like Uptown Funk and All about that Bass. Just click this link, or perhaps get someone in your family to help you by quizzing you. Or try the many links on our class blog page.
No one really knows about the mythical Mr Nussbaum and whether the stories about him are actually true. Some say he is in fact an alien, a mad professor, a train driver, no one really knows ...but one thing we do know is that this website link is a great place to test your skills.
Additional games and awesome learning! Top Marks and Knowledge Adventure.
Additional games and awesome learning! Top Marks and Knowledge Adventure.
Have fun with your homework!
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