You will show what you know about adjectives, simile, metaphor and personification.
This challenge consists of more than one part, but you can chose to do all of them or just one. You chose.
Part One:
Using the activity you have done in class about explaining what it is like to be in a a running race, recreate that story here on our blog or take another one and explain using sight, sound, and feelings. An example could be a swimming race, bike jump, skateboard trick, or any other physical challenge.
Part Two:
Adjectives. Like the task in class, you are to chose a noun or pronoun to begin with and then add in adjectives and descriptive features to make it really interesting. Check out the ones on display in our room for insipration. Some starting nouns may be - house, door, field, window, winter, trees, flower or bicycle.
Part Three:
Study the picture below and use these three things. Make one true statement, one descriptive statement and one thought statement. We have done this in class also, see the activity on our wall for inspiration. I will do a quick example for you.
True: The woman's head dress is multicoloured.
Descriptive: One thousand dark memories show in her eyes and haunt her, like lost dreams that she cannot quite remember.
Thought: I am, I can, I will.
Use this picture:
Write on Microsoft Word or Google Apps first. Have a parent check it, make sure there are NO spelling errors and your punctuation is correct. Then copy and paste it into our blog posting area.
Have fun and looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us.