Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rest in Peace Michael Jackson

On Friday we paid tribute to Michael Jackson, shortly after the news broke that he had passed away. I asked the class who had heard of Michael and every hand went up.

We proceeded to fill a wet lunch hour with a range of video clips from Michael's career, including 'Blame it on the Boogie' from his Jackson Five days, 'Black or White' and even the full version of 'Thriller'. Our neighbouring class couldn't resist, and joined us for the final song we played, 'Heal the World'.

Today for news board we talked about this news, and any updates that had occurred since Friday (NZ Time). We discussed a range of topics and someone asked about Michael Jackson's dance moves, in particular the "Moon Walk". Shortly after I cued up a YouTube clip of the famous Motown performance of 'Billy Jean'

Here is that video:

Room 18 - if you have any ideas or thoughts post them in. Or just enjoy this classic Michael Jackson performance.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Zealand Native Fauna and Flora

Kia Ora Room 18!

For this exciting task you are to get your research thinking caps on and find out about some of New Zealand's wild life. Be they small creepy crawlies, insects or birds; how will we attract them and support them in our adopted school area.

Firstly, come up with a chosen fauna species; then find out as much as you can about it. We need to know how it will be attracted to our area, and how we can keep them in their natural environment, this means finding out about what fauna we may need to plant.

This is going to be great.

Room 18 - you are excellent scientists, so lets start studying!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Carey Park Camp 2009

I hope everyone has recovered from our awesome week at Carey Park Camp in Henderson Valley. The weather was great, the activities amazing and the children 100 % top class.

This task is for you to reflect, discuss, share thoughts and feelings about your experiences. Be honest and let us know about challenges you faced and over come, highlights that will stand out in your memories for years to come, or just any random thoughts you have about Carey Park Camp 2009.

Looking forward to reading your responses Room 18!