Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Speech - Oral Language Examples

In Room 18 we are currently learning about speaking in the form of speeches. We have been looking at presenting through speech and sharing with an audience through a range of situations and topics so far this year.

As a class we came up with some criteria to guide ourselves while speaking:

  • We will use good volume by being not too loud and not to soft.
  • We will be confident in our delivery.
  • We will be clearly spoken. This could be ensuring we are well practiced, use clearly formed words and try not to hesitate during our speech.
  • We will face the audience.
  • We will use eye contact with all of our audience.
  • We will be enthusiastic.
  • We will use both body and vocal expression in our speeches. By using things like gesture, movement and facial expression.
  • We will try to make our speech interesting to our audience. It should be well written and may contain humour, questions, controversy, quoatations and facts or weird things to hook the audience.

We will be using video to analyse our work. Here are the first samples we will try posting:

It would be most helpful to these children if you could post constructive feedback in relation to our class criteria - Be sure to say which clip or person you are talking to.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Home Work Examples

Room 18 has a range of tasks that they complete for their homework. This week students created collage examples that represent themselves, found out about the Treaty of Waitangi, completed a letter Z research assignment, as well as the usual spelling, and mathematics practice activities.

Daphney even used movie maker to make this cool video.

Here are some snapshots of our work.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


June was new at Windy Primary, she had just come from America, but New Zealand wasn't the second country she had lived in. Before America, June had lived in England, Egypt and Germany, but she was actually born in Iran.

When June first came to Windy Primary, her teacher paired her up with Sam. Sam was a lovely girl, she was always supporting those around her and had many friends from many different countries and cultures. The teacher had made a good choice, because when Sam saw June, she didn't notice June's different style of dress, or the scarf she wore over her head. Sam didn't notice June's different accent or religion and the different types of food she ate during break time.

Out on the playground one lunchtime a voice called out. " Hey look at the new girl! Look at the way she is dressed! What a geek!"

It was John, standing on the high part of the playground and looking down at Sam and June, who were sitting own their own having a quiet talk. 

He called out again. This time hopping down and walking up to Sam and June. His friends started laughing. 

"Ha! Why do you wear that stupid thing on your head! It makes you look so stupid!" John shouted, as he stood in front of the girls. 

Sam stood up and confronted John. "Why are you so mean John. Why don't you just go away." She said calmly. John didn't seem amused.

"What's that stupid thing on your head anyway!?" He reached down and snatched the scarf from June's head.

June hid her face and began to cry.

Why do you think John acted that way? 

Find out 5 facts about culture in Iran and make a comparison to your own culture - Are there similarities? Are their differences? Explain clearly.