When June first came to Windy Primary, her teacher paired her up with Sam. Sam was a lovely girl, she was always supporting those around her and had many friends from many different countries and cultures. The teacher had made a good choice, because when Sam saw June, she didn't notice June's different style of dress, or the scarf she wore over her head. Sam didn't notice June's different accent or religion and the different types of food she ate during break time.
Out on the playground one lunchtime a voice called out. " Hey look at the new girl! Look at the way she is dressed! What a geek!"
It was John, standing on the high part of the playground and looking down at Sam and June, who were sitting own their own having a quiet talk.
He called out again. This time hopping down and walking up to Sam and June. His friends started laughing.

"Ha! Why do you wear that stupid thing on your head! It makes you look so stupid!" John shouted, as he stood in front of the girls.
Sam stood up and confronted John. "Why are you so mean John. Why don't you just go away." She said calmly. John didn't seem amused.
"What's that stupid thing on your head anyway!?" He reached down and snatched the scarf from June's head.
June hid her face and began to cry.
Why do you think John acted that way?
Find out 5 facts about culture in Iran and make a comparison to your own culture - Are there similarities? Are their differences? Explain clearly.
I think that maybe Johns friends bullied him into doing it. I don't think that he should do things that he knows are wrong even if people are bullying him.It is peer pressure.
By Aidan
Maybe Jon liked Sam and felt angry when she was with June and thought June was stealing her.
By Matthew
I think John possibly learnt from
someone (possibly his family) that it is all right to treat people who are different badly .Some times people are scared of differences e.g beliefs, culture, religions,looks and even food. Some times when people are scared they do unkind things to other people.
By Oscar
I agree with all the other comments posted and I think John has bad role modles to look up to and he thinks that it is ok to treat others that way.Or he could be under peer pressure like Aidan said because his friends might be pushing him on saying do this do that or are saying to John I bet you can't do this and that might be putting John under alot of pressure.
By Anneke
I reckon John didn't like the way she was dressed (which relates to her culture), so he bullied her. I think he took the scarf off because he wanted to improve her looks.
Hi! Alicia here!
I think John might have acted this way because he might have not known the meaning of it, and he might have not known about June's culture.
I also think John may have done this because he might have thought that other people don't wear scarfs on their head, so maybe he wondered why June was wearing one all the time.
By Alicia
Robbie said...
Maybe know one had explained to John about different Cultures and Religions and how different and unique everyone can be. Maybe John was a little scared of how June looked.
By Robbie
I agree with Robbie and Alicia, because June might have had looked scary in her scarf and clothes. Going back to my one, John probably hated the way she was dressed.Or like Alicia's one,he probably wondered why June was wearing her scarf everytime.If John wanted to ask June about it, he could always ask politely.
This afternoon I did a little research and I found 10 facts about Iran:
•Mount Damavand, a volcano which last erupted in 500 AD, was the highest peak in Iran.
•The name Iran was came from the word Aryan or Irani tribes.
•In 1908 large amouts of oil were discovered in Iran.
•In 1951 Iran nationalised the oil industry and the National Iranian Oil Company was formed.
•On 26 December 2003 an earthquake occured in Iran and hit the city of Bam, measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale.It is estimated that over 40,000 passesd away in one of the world's worst natural disasters during the last ten years.
•Iran was known as Persia until 1935,but On 1 April 1979 Iran became an Islamic Republic.
•The Persians built the world's longest road (1,500 miles).It was known as the Royal Road.Postmen could make a journey along the road in six-nine days instead of three months.
•In 331 B.C. Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian capital, Persepolis.
•Nasir Al-Din Tusi(1201-1274)who was born in Tus,was an astronomer and philosopher who built the famous observatory in Maragheh.
•In estimate, there are 65,987,223
people living in Iran.
I think that jon did no't wanted to do that but he's friend come to tall him that "can you bully that ugly grlel" and than he siaed"yes.
I think the same as aidan and mathew,but also mabey john thourt that june had a culture that he had seen before and disliked it.he had probley been under peer pressure
i agree with Aidan and Matthew, but also, maybe john had seen June's culture before and disliked it.
I think he could have been treated that way and he wanted to get his revenge. Or his friends could have been bullying him into doing it and maybe he just deciede to do it because he wanted them to stop and when he was doing it he got a bit carried away and ripped the scarf off.
by Oliver
Hey - there are some fantastic thoughts and reasons being posted by you Room 18. I am also pleased with the way some of you have been referring to other class members.
Like Daphney, try and find some more information out about the culture in Iran too.
We are definitely on our way to being able to share not only in the classroom, but outside of it.
One thing I would like to see is people making sure they have checked their spelling, punctuation and if their post is making sense.
I cannot let posts that are filled with errors or that do not make sense be published onto our blog.
All of your great posts come to me first for checking. So if it doesn't appear immediately, you know I have not checked it yet.
Keep up the great work!
his parents may have been mean to other peoples culture
the persian language has been used for 2500 years .
the main food is rice and meat
thay celebrate a day of battle.
book and movies must be aproved.
they have new year on 21 march.
I think John was trying to fit in. And that his friends were putting peer pressure on him.
I think John was being ignorant. I think he did not know about other cultures. Trying maybe to be like his parents, or maybe just to look cool in front of his friends.
I think when June was a new person at that school John wanted her to move out and be at a diffrent school and i think he wanted to be cool.
by singhkamal
I think I know why John was being nasty to June because he was also mean to other people and he was in peer pressure.
He was probably always mean to his friends also or he wanted to be cool. So, everyone in the school will think that he is tough and strong and will be famous.
By: Svetlana
Maybe John didn't get told about different cultures and that they eat different food and wear different clothes.
I have found out some interesting facts out about Iran:
-Iran has 2 coastlines on the north and south ,so is a little bit like New Zealand but is not an island.
- Tehran ,Iran's capital has almost twice as many people in it than there are in the whole of New Zealand.Which could mean the city is extremely busy to live in.
-Iran has 1 major religion
which is Islam .Christianity is New Zealand's main religion BUT we also have many other religions that we can believe.
Its just like the saying “don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” – for example, what John did; he didn’t even know June but I believe he judged her because he thought that her clothes looked bad and different. Maybe her personality was really nice but he didn’t even take the time to get to know her.
I think mabey he was trying to be cool or some one bullied him when he was new to the school.
By Sophie Mebus
• In Iran the Muslim religion is an important part of the government.
o Similarities: None
o Differences: In New Zealand religion is not an important part of the government.
• In Iran the women have to over up all of their body except usually their eyes.
o Similarities: Some Muslim people live in New Zealand as well, and some of the women still cover up.
o Differences: In New Zealand it’s legal to not cover up
• Iran became a republic (independent country – The Islamic Republic of Iran) on 1 April 1979 – 30 years ago this year.
o Similarities: New Zealand become independent of Brittain in 26 September 1907 (from UK)
o Differences:
o Similarities:
I agree with Khaled, Svetlana and Briden.Family,because in some ways I think it is possible too that John's friends told him to bully her, John disliked her culture or he probably enjoyed bullying people.
I thought about the differences and similarities of my culture and Iran's and came up with some.
Similarities of both cultures...
Differences of both cultures...
Philippines:Jesus, Mary, God...
Iran:Muslim, Islam...
Philippines:Catholic(believer), Catholic(protestant), Muslim...
Iran:Iranian culture
Philippines:Fillipino culture
Iran: Khoreshe badinjan, Kofte and Mast-o-khier
Philippines: adobo, sinigang and pakbet
Iran:Farsi and persian
Iran:Nowrus,Sizdah Bedar...
Philippines:Pili festival,Sinulog festival, Masskara Festival of Bacolod...
Iran:New year...
Philippines: Holy week, independence day...
Philippines:Barong tagalog and saya...
Iran:Iranian culture
Philippines:Fillipino culture
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