As part of our new Rich Task, we will be looking at natural life in our school environment - specifically focussed around plant life.
To start our new term, we will be looking first of all at defining our new topic and creating new understandings about how the natutal world around us works. So, your task for this post is to find out - WHAT IS AN ECOSYSTEM?
You will need to do some research to find out. If you use books, or internet sites please include a reference for your information.
For example: The picture I used for this post has come from http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/may2007/20070516_forestboreal.jpg You must post the links for where you have sourced your information from.
If you have used a book, please inlcude the book title, author, illustrator in your post.
Defenition Of A Ecosystem
An ecosystem is a natural unit consisting of all plants, animals,
and micro-organisims in a area functioning together with all of the non-living physical factors of the enviroment.
by the way the reference for that was:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecosystem
The definition for "Ecosystem":
An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living things working together.Ecosystems have no particular size,in fact and an ecosystem can be as large as a desert or a lake or as small as a tree or a puddle! If you have a terrarium (a mini indoor garden), that would be an artificial ecosystem.
I found these from:
I found some information about Ecosystem on one of my books.
Plants and animals that interact with each other and their environment forms an ecosystem.
An ecosystem may be a pot,a pond, a farm, a forset or a desert with all the organisms and the physical factors that affect life there.
Cyber Science
(book from Philippines)
Nicetas Valencia, Myrna Adduru, Laura Ocampo, Catherine Cunanan-Silas and Hayda Villona.
Hi it's Alicia here!!!
An eco-system is an environment made up of living and non-living things consisting all plants and animals and micro organisms such as bacteria and fungi.
The eco-system is similar to a food chain, because if there isn't enough light or water, or if soil doesn't have the right nutrients, the plants could die. If the plants die, the animals who depend on plants would die, and if the animals who depend on the other animals die,there wouldn't be any eco-systems taking place, because an eco-system means all living (animals & plants) and non living (bacteria & fungi) things need to work together to make up an ecosystem.
References: http://www.nhptv.org/NatureWorks/nwepecosystems.htm
By: Alicia
Since We Have Duscussed This It Wouldn't Be classified As Cheating to Post I Guess. An Ecosystem Applies To Many Enviroments From Blistering Cold Mountains To Hot Stuffy Rainforsets. But An Ecosystem Is Smaller Than Another Part. weird Eh. This Second Stucture Is Called Biomes. The Three Main Parts Of An Eco-System Are The
And Decompsers Such As Fungi Or Bacteria. If One Of These Symptoms Were To Be Banished The Whole Thing would be Obliterated Catasrophicley. The Consumer ( us ) Consume The Contents The Producers Have To Give. But For Those Appliances To Even Be Created We Would Need Some Help.
Decomposers May Rot Everything But It Can Be Used As Fertalizer. No Wait Thats Not How It Goes. Is It?
I like your post Matthew! One thing, you forgot the reference(s).
^_^ Daphney
What is a Ecosystem
An ecosystem is a gepgraphical area of a variable size where plants, animals, the landscape and the climate all interact together. The whole earth's surface can be described by a series of interconnected ecosystems. All living beings form and are part of eosystems. They are diverse and always changing.
Information: http//www.abheritage.ca/abnature/Ecosystems/intro.htm
Definition of an ecosystem
An ecosystem is a community of plants animals and smaller organisims that live, feed, reproduce and interact in the same area or environment.
By the way my reference was:
An ecosystem is a community of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, and reproduce in the same area or environment. Some ecosystems are very large. On the other hand, some ecosystems may be small, such as you would find in a meadow at the edge of a forest, or in a coral reef in the ocean.
UBC botanical garden
and center for plant research.
I posted this for Nicky due to him not being able to log into the blog.
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