The school holidays have finally come to an end and I am sure that each of us had a great time and a well deserved holiday break no matter where we were.
This year, with a brand new class, Room 18 will continue to update our wonderful blog site, and continue to enhance our learning through the use of this online learning space.
There are a few rules to remember though ... here are our blog guidelines.
In working with this blog and any other webspaces, all students need to ensure that they follow these important guidelines. They are designed to make sure that you enjoy these spaces.
• Only ever use your first name or a nickname when you are writing on this or other blogs or wikis.
• Never use any other student’s last name.
• Never post any personal information–such as your home or cellphone number or home address on this or any other blog or wiki.
• Never share any of your usernames or passwords with anyone and never log in as another student.
• Always tell your parents or teacher right away if you come across anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
• Remember the “grandma rule” that anything you put on the internet could be read by your grandmother so only write things you could say to the nicest of grannies.
• Be a good online citizen and never write or post anything that could hurt anyone else.
• Always check with an adult if someone asks for your phone number or to meet you.
• Never make arrangements to meet anyone over the internet. Always talk to your parents or teacher if this is an issue.
• Make sure you publish only your own work. Don’t under any circumstances use other people’s work and call it your own.
• Make sure that you read over your writing before you post it to check the spelling and that it reads okay.
If you wish to change or add to these rules please post a comment with details of our reasons.
Use this first post as a way to introduce yourself and your family. Include - your first name only, the suburb you live in, your year level, your interests and hobbies, what makes you unique and special, your family information - how many brothers and sisters you have, maybe even something interesting about your mum and dad, and of course tell us what goals you want to achieve this year in the wonderful Room 18!
Have fun and welcome to Room 18, 2010!!
LEt me introduce myself-
I am a student at the University of Central Oklahoma in the United States. I am currently enrolled in technology for teachers, which is a required coarse for my graduation. I plan to become a teacher very soon. I hope to teach thrid or fourth grade. I would like to read some of your comments to learn more about the classes school day. It looks like you guys have a good time front of you for the up coming school.
Hi there! My name is Sam and I am a Junior at UCO in Oklahoma, USA. I am a special education major and I am loving every minute of it. I am currently enrolled in a Technology for Teachers class that requires us to use a "Blogging Buddies" program. I do hope you comment back! Have a wonderful day!
Hi I'm Oscar and I live in Herne Bay I'm nine and I enjoy soccer, playing with lego, spelling,softball,guitar and tennis
. My goals are to be in the top groups for spelling,maths and reading,to become a rep in soccer and to remember to update my blog.I have a pet cat who is my arch enemy
and I aim to annoy him as much as possible.
Hi my name is Claudia.
I have a Mum named Nicola, a dad named Gavin, and a little brother called Tom. We have a cat called Rosie,and I have my own 7 fish - 3 zebra danios,2 rosy barbs and two guppys.
I live in Mt Eden, Auckland.
I have 5 friends in my class - Poppy, Sarah, Sophie I, Rosie, Joseph.
Hi my name is Poppy. I am 9.
I have a mum called Joe, a dad called Eamon and two little sisters called Nellie {7} and Olive {5}.I also have 3 fish.
My friends in our class this year are:Sophie.I,Claudia,Sarah,Rosie and Joseph and I'm looking forward to making some more.
My goal this year in room 18 is to work on neatness in my writing and focus all the time.
Hi my name is Sophie. I live in Auckland with my mum, dad, sister and brother. We have two pets a dog and a cat. I love playing netball and swimming.
My goal this year is to work on my handwritting and neatness. I am enjoying my new class and friends. From Sophie
Hi, my name is nathan. I Iive in Mt. Eden. My goal is to speed up in writing and to remember to write the reading information in my homework.
My favorite thing's to do is: hip hop, play, reading and lot's of other things. I am also a red belt black strip in
hi im milo im in room 18 it is great to be in his class this year. In my family i have a brother asister their both older than me also a mum dad and five fish dog and use to have a cat but it got hit by a car. I play soccer flipa ball and tennis. When i am older i want to be a inventor. So that is me andrew is the best teacher in the world.
Hi! It's me Sara. Welcome back to a brand new year indeed. I'm 10 years old and I love netball or sometimes I even go out swimming with my best friends. As you know I'm from Balmoral School Rm 18 Life at school has been far more exciting than usual. I think Rm 18 is the best class I've recently been in. We have a fabulous teacher and lots of friends. My favorite subject is science. My hobbies are READING and COMPUTER!!! Our topic in school currently is evolution and metamorphosis. I've been surfing on the net quite a bit about it and found out heaps. Bye
Posted By Sara
hi my name is rosie i have a brother in room 19 and a mum and i have 2 cats
Hello my name is Billy I am 9 years old.My mums and dads names are Sharon and Mark, my sisters name is Georgina I have lots of pets,a dog two cats and a turtle. I like skateboarding.
HELLO my name is FLYNN. I am from Auckland NZ. I have a Mum and Dad and a brother. I have two cats, one is black named Sooti, and the other is grey and is named Carmelo.I go to Balmoral School, and I live in Mt Eden. I have been to Hawaii, Christchurch and Sydney. Later this year I will be going to the UK and France with my Mum and Dad to see my Aunty. I really want to see New York and will be going with my Mum when she goes back next year. I enjoy soccer, volleyball and my Dad is teaching me how to play guitar.
Hi my name is mele I am a year 6 at balmoral school .I live in mt eden auckland i have two brothers one is Joshua he is 11 years old he is a year 8 in balmoral school i have got a youger bother name Anthony my mums name is Simaima she is 45 years old my dads name is Sione I have a dog a pet mouse and 2 cats.
Hi, my name is Shivneld and I like my class this year because my teacher, Andrew is fun to work with and all students in my room are very friendly and helpful.
I live in Mangere with my dad, mum and elder brother.
I like playing PS2 indoors and cycling and cricket outdoors. I am also interetsed in learning archery.
My target for this year is to improve my maths, spelling and writing speed.
HI i`m Zach, i`m 10 years old, I live in Mt Eden,with a family of five, my mum Janine,dad Ashly,my sister Sophie,and my brother Finn.
I like sport, playing the guitar and I love bilding lego.
My favorite band is Green Day they are a punk band thats my favorite type of music.
I go to balmoral school and i`m a year 6 in Room 18 (the best class ever!)I have 5 friends at school we call ourselfs the gang,weve been together since year zearo but now weve been split up, at year 6! The people in the gang are:Nicky
,Jack,Aidan,Oliver,Oscar and me.Jack and Oscar are still in my class though.
But even though some of us are in diffront classes I`m sure I`ll still have a great year at school! :)
hi my names elliot i'm 9 years old. I have a mum a dad a brother and a sister. i have one pet that is called tilly (matilda).
I live in epsom. I'm in year 5 in room 18.
i like doing cricket and hockey, cycling watching the television drawing and playing the drums.
I've been in the cricket team this year and been in the ski team x2.
everyone in my family plays hockey as well as me, not my cat off course.
my mum is 45 8 days older then my dad, my brother is 14 15 in October, my sister is 12 just and my big cat is 2 years old.
I want to achieve my handwriting and spelling
thanks andrew
Room 18
Hi! My name is Nicholas, I am nine. I live in NZ and I have a mum, dad, brother and sister. I had two cats but one got run over. I like to play T-ball and rugby. I would like to be claaes rep.
It sounds like I will have a good year at school.
My name is Matthew. I live in a family of five and a British Bulldog, you guessed it, from Britan. Called Chester. Very soon I will be turning 11 and I am very glad to be back in Andrew's class for year 6 too. I am excited about going to camp in Term Two and the rest of the school year. So far the Year has gone very well and I have already recieved two certificates. One was the default school format awarded for Extra Helpfulness, the other one is a speciallized neon orange certificate much like a little flyer awarded for Caring For Others. I made a blog last year that I will now Update. I am actually planning to make a new blogger account. One of them will be especially for Personal events and one other will be mostly filled with recent school assignments we are working on and I may put some brief preveiws into it as well.
Hi! Alicia here from last year!
I'm now a year 7, at Auckland Normal Intermediate, and I thought I might aswell check out Room 18s fascinating blog.
I really miss being in room 18, but anyway,BYE :) =)
Hi I’m jack and I live in Sandringham.
I have a bother called Scott, who is 15 years old and I have my mum and my dad. My dad is special because he helped paint most of Westfield ST LUKEs and Westfield ALBANY, one the two major shopping malls in Auckland, cool! My goals for 2010 are two get onto cursive writing and complete tasks faster.
Thank you!
hi Room 18. This is Craig from Room 3!! Have just been checking out your Blog. Very impressed. Thought I might steal some of your ideas for my class Blog and make it better than yours!! eh eh eh eh!
Hi my name is Robbie, i live in Mt Eden, Auckland. I live with my Mum, Dad, sister and brother. My hobbies are music, pets and animals. I like playing flippa ball, cricket and soccer. I have 2 pet turtles and 2 fish.
By Robbie
Hi my name is khaleda and i live in nz and I think that if you go to room 18 you will think that room 18 is the bast.I like maths,reading,hand witing,and rich tack.I have 8 friends and they are andrews,andrewm,josh,alec,ale,dane,ethan,ect.I live in aukland.Andrew is my techer.
I think whaling in Antartica is bad because whales are endangered creatures and we should let those still alive, live.
I don't think that the protestor should have boarded the ship because it is illegal but he has made himself and the antiwhaling group known around the world.
I think that he should be returned to his ship because he was doing what he believed in.
hi my name is sarah. i am 9
i have a mum named diana ihave a dad named neil a sister named rebecca And a brother called michael.
my friends in my class from last year are claudia,poppy,rosie,sophie i and joseph
my goal this year is to improve on my hand writing.
i like playing with all my toys including my brothers lego.
the sports i play are netball,swimming and tennis(we play cricket as a family)
i am looking foward to a great year ahead of me.
Hi my name is Sophie mebus I was born in masterton but when I was 10 months old mum left my dad I am now 9 and live in auckland and balmoral school is best and room 18
Great Blog, congrats!
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