For this task you are to find out about someone you have not studied in class, and write out what you found interesting about them.
Answer these questions as part of your learning:
- What personal characteristics did/do they possess? Eg: determined because ... enthusiastic because ... and so on.
- How has what they did in the past changed the present?
- How do you think what they achieved will impact on the future?
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison created the lightbulb because first of all he hated watching his television in the dark, secondly he was afraid to use wax constructed things like candles. When he was young he was very desperate to learn so his parents sent him off to school. He was very academically gifted and was very good at schoolwork. After getting lots of education he decided to put his newfound knowledge and intelligence into flyers that he sold by a railway station, which was overloaded with subscriptions and money. He created two main types of lightbulbs, incandescent and fluorescent. The electricity that ran through a lightbuld would be dangerous if it met up with oxegen because it was rendered 'highly combustible' Ediso decided toextract all of the oxegen out. He was born Feburary 11th 1847 and died aged 84 in 1931.
Sir Edmund Hillary was born on the 20th of July 1919. He died on January 11th 2008 aged 88 of myocardial infraction (a heart attack). Sir Ed climbed Mt Everest in 1953 with sherpa Tenzing Norgay. Tenzing Norgay was fit and had a strong body, said Sir Edmund Hillary. Sir Edmund Hillary was Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire - that is where "sir" came into his name. In the Himalayas, Hillary climbed 10 other mountains in 1956, 1960-61 and 1963-65. His first wife (Louise) died of a plane crash along with their youngest daughter Belinda. There were 275 passengers killed in that plane crash. Hillary has two surviving children - Peter and Sarah. Peter is also a mountaineer. Sarah is an artist.
cChristofer Columbus.
Christorfer Columbus was the Italian sailor who discovered America.
He set off in serch of India to trade spices, but ended up going off course and sailing into the Carabeean where he landed and he met the native Americans and called them Indians. Thats why some people call them American Indians.
There where 3 ships in his expedition: The Santa Maria(Columbus's ship) The Pinta and the Nina.
When Columbus discoverd that he was not in India he made many of the native Americans slaves and if they refused to come and be a slave they where killed.
When they were on their way back, the Santa Maria had a shipwreck but Columbus and most of his crew members survived. He asked the captin of the Pinta to take him and his crew members back, but the Pinta captin refused because he wanted to be the first one back, so Columbus asked the captin of the Nina and the captin said yes.
Cristofer got a safe journey back to Italy and went on to become the man that discoverd America!
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