Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to 2011!

Hi Room 18! Welcome to our class blog space for 2011.

This will be your first posting area and you will use this as a place to introduce yourselves. You have all read the class blogging rules and understand that our thoughts, ideas and information are available to be read from anywhere in our world.

You can publish without a Google account, but it's best if you sign up with one. If you publish without a Google account, you MUST include your name. If your name is not included in your post it will not be published. Please include your first name when posting without an account.

So, now it is time to write a brief introduction about yourself. Include these things:

Your first name, and your year level.
Some family information – for example who you live with – no names please.
You may wish to name the area you live in. For example – Mt Albert, Sandringham, Mt Eden, Balmoral.
If you have links to other countries tell us about them. Maybe you have lived in other countries?
Some of your interests.
Set yourself some big goals for 2011 – they can be class related, sport related or even outside of school. What is it that you really want to achieve this year? We can look at these and aim to achieve them!

I am really looking forward to our blogging journey and can’t wait to read your comments.

Let’s get blogging Room 18!!


milogpalmer said...

My name is Milo I live with my Mum and Dad with a brother a sister a dog and four fish. My Dad is born in the UK and my Mum is from NZ. My Mum and Dad lived in the UK with my brother.

Liam said...

My name is Liam I am year 6 this year and I live in Mt eden with my Mum my Dad and three sisters. My Dads family is Scottish but he was born in NZ and my Mum is from England. One of my goals this year is to make a movie.

Anonymous said...

My name is Amelia I am in year 5 and I live with my older brother my mum and my dad. My mum and dad were both born in england and me and my brother were born in NZ. My hobbies are Tennis, reading, shopping and hanging around with my friends. My goal for 2011 is to be able to write an interesting story.

Andrew said...

Well done Milo, Liam and Amelia for being the first people to post for 2011.

Milo what are your goals for this year?

It's great to hear about movie making and story writing Liam and Amelia. You are sure to achieve these things this year.

I am really looking forward to hearing from other Room 18 students.

Keep up the amazing work!

adam said...

My name is Adam i live with my sister, brother, mum, dad and two cats. my ancestors come from mainly England but from France and Jamaica.

Andrew said...

Awesome Adam. We really want to know your goals for 2011.

Room 18 is always interested in helping you achieve your goals.

Wow - England, France and Jamaica. You have some interesting heritage.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

My name is Joseph I live in Balmoral,Auckland,NZ I live with my Sister,Mum,Dad and pets.My mum was born in England,My Dad was born in wellington and me and my sister were born in Auckland.

milogpalmer said...

I also need to add my goal it is to stay neat in my work.

NedNed said...

Hi i'm Matthew and i live with my Mum and Dad and my brothers My goal for this year is to be better at maths im Scotish ,English and Samoan.

frank said...

My name is Frank i live with my mum,dad and brother my dad was born in nz same with my mum.My goal is to get better at maths.And im in yr 5.

sam said...

Hi my name is Sam and i live with my mum my dad and my sister.I have to pets a dog and a cat.All of us are from New Zealand except for my dad my goal is to get better at maths.

Molly said...

My name is Molly and I live with my mum dad and little sister one dog two cats and one fish. I have lived in Austrailia I have links to Engaland,France,Tonga. My goal is to get my pen licence.

Elliot said...

My name is Elliot and i live with my mum, dad my older brother my big sister 1 dog and 1 cat.My mum is from New zealand and my dad is from the UK.My goal is to make a movie.

Sofia!!! said...

Hi my name is Sofia I am year 6,
I live with my mum Joanne,my dad David,my big sister Isabella and my cat Katie and 5 fish.
My mum is from Ireland and New Zealand.And my Dad is from Samoa,Portugal,Fiji and New Zealand.
My goal for 2011 is to get all my subjects right in school.

bridget said...

My name is Bridget i am year 5 i live with my mum and dad and my sister and my dog and my bird my goal is to write better stories.

oliver said...

Hi my name is Oliver I live my mum, dad, two sisters and 1 brother, 6 fish and 1 cat .M goals this year are to improve on reading and spelling i speak English and I can speak a little dads familly is from china

nathan said...

Hi my name is Nathan, this year i'm a year 6, i live with my mum and my sister.
I am related to the countries scotland amenica and samoa
My goal is to writeing.

luke said...

me my mum my 3 brothers my dad. i am half nz european and half brazilian my goal this year is to go on a vacation

jawesome said...

My name is Joseph I live in Balmoral,Auckland,NZ I live with my Sister,Mum,Dad and pets.My mum was born in England,My Dad was born in wellington and me and my sister were born in Auckland.My goal for this year is to make a movie and get the technolegey award.

Khatijacool said...

My name Khatija I am in year 5, I live with my little brother, sister and mum and dad. I have a pet fish called speedy.My mum was born in New Zealand and my dad was born in Zambia.My hobbies are swimming, flippa ball, reading and playing. My goal this year is to learn how to play soccer.

harriet said...

My name is Harriet I live with my parents, brothers and pets. My dad is from England. My goal is to complete my homework.

sarah said...

Hi my name is sarah I live with my mum my dad my sister and my brother.My dad is from england and the rest of us is from NZ.My goal is to make lots of new friends

damien said...

My name is Damien I live with my Dad and Mum and two sisters and six brothers. I live in Sandringham. My Mum and Dad were born in Tonga. Me and my two sisters were born in NZ. My Goal is to learn more

Liam said...

Hey milo I found it interesting that you have four fish. I also never knew that your dad was from the UK. How old is your dog now and what type of breed is it?

adam said...

Hi it's Adam again my goal is to make a good movie.

Philemon said...

My name is Philemon and I am 8years old and I have three brothers and one sister and my goail is to be better at my maths.

Amelia said...

I like your goal liam
I to would like to learn how to make a movie

lacroix said...

Hi my name is Lacroix I live with my brother,sister,parents my two dogs one cat. My dad is Scottish,my mum is maroi.My brother and sister are from Newzealand. My goal is to make a good movie

david said...

My names is David live my mum and dad and my brothers and sister and my tow cats and my gole is to get my pen lisens.

nina said...

Hi my name is nina
and my mum was born in NZ
my dad was born in England
and me and my brother were also born in England.
My hobbies are ballet,hockey and flipa ball.
My goal for 2011 is to be better at maths and spelling.

frank said...

Hi Liam what type of movie are you going to make? And I didn't know your dads family was scottish.

leah said...

my name is leah and I live with my mum my dad my brother and my cousin. I was born in London my mum is frrom Newzealand my dad is from England my brother is from England and my coosin is from America. my goal this year is to become a better reader.

harry said...

hi my name is harry
I live with my dad and my mum brother I speak in koria and china
my goal is to be sciemtist.

Poppy said...

Hi my name is Poppy and I am year 6 this year.
I live with my mum Johanne, my dad Eamon, my younger sister Nellie, my youngest sister Olive and my 2 goldfish Tinky and Winky.
My goal for 2011 is to get all my work done.

Aidan said...

My name is Aidan I live wih my brother,sister my mum and my dad,2 dad is from newzealand and my mum is from newzealand too.My goal is to make a good movie

Mariam said...

Hi my names mariam.
And I live with my mum, sister and two brothers and my mum was born in Kabul and my brothers and I were also born there. My little sister was born here in New Zealand. Langugages I can speak are Enlgish and Farsi.

My goals for this year is getting used to my new classroom and imporve in my spelling.

moala said...

My name is Moala and I have two sisters and two brothers and I am 8years old and one of my brother is 19 and the other one is 8 to be better at my maths.

Harriet S said...

My name is Harriet, I am in year 5. I live with my mum, dad, 2 brothers, our dog, our cat and 21 fish. My Dad is from England and Mum is from NZ. Dads family are all from England and mums family are all from NZ. My hobbies are netball, trampolining and swimming. One of my goals is to learn my times tables.

amelia said...

Hi I am Amelia
I never new that briget had a bird.

sam said...

Hey liam its sam here again i found it was quite cool that your dads parents are from scotland but he was not born in scotland its quite regular that they are born there but then moved here i think its cool that your dad is a bit different from his family sam.

Matthew said...

Hi it's me Matthew from last year. How are things going. Looks like you guys are having a great start to the year. I hope all of the people that were in room 18 last year are enjoying being year sixes. And I hope that they enjoy their graduation at the end of the year. Now they can see the Poroporoaki from a different perspective. Have fun at Camp guys, the year 7's are going to Steadfast Park at Piha in week five. We have to plan our own menus and cook our own meals. There is alot of independent tasks you will need to overcome in Intermediate at camp. And lots of perserverance, especially on the 45 minute hike to the waterfall. Be sure to pack lots of water Eh. Well good luck to all of you this year and see you around school.
