We have been looking at heritage over the past term, and looking at the fertile question; My heritage, their heritage, our heritage - whose future?
In many instances in the world, one culture can dominate and take over another culture. In some cases in history people have been forced into a culture different than their own, such as Australia's 'Stolen Generation' and even when the Europeans first arrived in New Zealand a lot of them aimed to change the Maori into 'civilised' people by forcing their religions and beliefs onto the Maori.
My question to you is;
Is it right for one culture to be taken over by another?
I look forward to reading your thoughtful comments and please remember to justify your ideas.
I don't think it is right for one contry to take over another because then the people that were in the tooken over contry would have to either move to another contry or follow commands of the other contry.
No!!! because its not right for one different culture to boss round the other and every culture has a different belief.
I agree with frank because I don't think it is ok for one culture to take over another because they all need to believe their own beliefs.
I don't think it is great for one culture to take over another because it is bad for them and will change the way they live. Tey will become slaves and work all day.
I think that it is not okay to take over another culture but if one culture wants to be taken over then that's all right but like the stolen generation where the government steal babies and give them to a different culture then that is bad because the other culture will die out. I think that it is not okay to take over another culture because the other culture has there own way and beliefs.
I don't think it is right to take over another culture. I agree with Frank. For example, its like saying every one has go to church or else they will get beaten up. Thats being a bully. I think we should have lots of different cultures because it shows who we are and no one else should be able to say who we are.
I don't think it is right if one culture takes over another culture because the other culture doesn't have the right to.Every country has it's own culture and it is just not right because that is how there culture it is different from others but that is that countries culture,why should it be changed.
I agree with adam because every country has there own space and if you dont thats greedy
I don't think so because in my Dad's country in Africa people got taken to the other side of the world to be slaves and they were forced to work for them for the rest of their lives and they were not allowed to follow their traditions that were very precious to them. In places like America it has taken along time for Black Africans to be accepted and for thier culture to be respected.
I don't think it's ok for one culture to be taken over by another because it's like saying that the culture taking over is better than the other culture, which is not right.
I agree with Frank because no other country should take over a country because an country is something VERY!!! VERY!!! BIG!!! that someone LOVES!!!!!!.
I think that it is OK if another culture tries to take over because we have copied Americans culture by their technology. Also using there leader ship to make our world become a better place. To me were actually trying to become a good leader. People can't really take over other cultures because they might think they made a mistake but that's what there culture is about.
No it's not ok because different people come from different cultures and its not nice to make other people do something because you are and its what your culture does because there are many different culturesand there are lots of different people that belong to them. For example just because you believe in god doesn't mean every one else has to
Sorry, Izzy is my sister it was meant to be me, Nathan!
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