Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sustainability - Beautifying areas with portable gardens?

For Rich Task this term we will be continuing with the design process we have been exploring.

This term (through the idea of legacy and what we leave behind) we are creating/designing and building a portable garden, staying true to the theme of sustainability and reusing and recycling materials. This will also require us to use scientific procedure to understand more about the order of nature and use it to assist our attempts to recreate it.

Another part of our learning this term is the gardens and we will be hoping to plant, grow and harvest produce to sell at the farmers market on September the 13th.

It is a short term, so let’s hope for perfect growing conditions.

Portable? Beautiful? Get your thinking caps on Room 18!

1 comment:

Richie said...

I love learning about different types of plants and flowers and its cool how we are learning about flowers and plants this term do you?