Room 18 made an amazing effort and were very successful in their market day learning this term. It was very inspirational to see all Hiringa students design, create and sell their products in the name of charity. The SPCA and KidsCan were very appreciative of your efforts Room 18! We raised a grand total of $444 and gave $200 to KidsCan and $244 to the SPCA.
Well done!
The market day was very successful. I was running the door sign stall with two other boys in my class, Archie and Eden and we sold all of our signs! But I do have to say a special thanks to Lilith who was on the fairy wands stall who helped out alot with making our product.
I didn't just like the selling part though. I Also enjoyed the whole process of getting the signs ready to sell. I helped to make some of the fairy wands because we started altogether as a big group then we split up to do different products but Lilith and lucy from the other half of our helped us and we also helped them in return of the favor.
so I had a really fun time last term and this term making and selling our product and I am glad that the S.P.C.A and Kids Can appreciated the donation we gave them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The market day was very fun and we very nearly sold all our bags.(We had two left) The making of the bags was quite easy and I enjoyed all of it.
We weren't so lucky selling all of our bookmarks! We still had like 7-8 LEFT and I was holding up a sign that read: "Bookmarks 50cents each" but not much people were buying it. If we could do it again, I would make them a bit better by dulling in the backgrounds that were white.
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