Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sploder Games

These games are an example of the skills that our Balmoral game designers are making.

Please play them and add a review about what you liked and what you think could be improved. We will then ask the designers to modify their games according to any justified feedback.

Enjoy the awesome skills of our student designers! The first game here 'Diamond Fury' was made by Bill in his own time at home, he thought he would love for you all to play it and review it.

CLICK to go to the game link.

Game One

Game Two


Jessica said...

I got stuck at the part where it said diamond came from the Greek word meaning.

nina hayes said...

I thought it was fun but I dont think it had any instructions so I got stuck alot.

Aidan said...

I found the part with the bouncy floor diffucult because I couldn't reach the jet pack by jumping.

zinder said...

it was hard on the bouncy floor i was stuck there it was a hard part and it was also tricky.