Monday, March 3, 2014

Rich Task - What should we have for lunch?

Room 30 has had the chance to plant some vegetables with our gardener Jo. Here are some pictures of the students in action!


Lizzie said...

when we went gardening we planted carrots, beetroot, and beans.
I was planting carrots and we had to spread them out because if we don't they won't be all tall and not as orange. finally ill say what organic means it mean there's no spray or powder that they sprinkle to make it look juicy.

Jackson said...

when we were gardening we planted beans carrots and beetroot. I would like to grow paisley and grapes if I had the chance. organic means fresh with no chemicals. I planted carrots.

Libby said...

When i was gardening i planted carrot we had to spread the carrot so it would not grow all bunched together.If i could plant some thing i would plant would beans.Organic means that we do not use chemical spray.

ethan said...

I did not plant that day, I think
i was away. i wish i can grow
an apple tree because apples are
my favourite. organic means like
mother nature.

Kurtis said...

When I was gardening I planted carrots. What I would like to grow is PIGS!!!! BUT you cant get a seed to grow a Pig. organic means to grow some think that has not got any type of spray on it to make it look nice.

Nathan said...

When we were gardening I planted an onion.That andrew said was really strong.I would like to grow coconuts. Organic Means no chemicals!

Aryan said...

On the gardening day, I felt happy planting carrots. If I had a chance I would plant a mango tree. Unfortunately mangoes trees need tropical climate. Organic means,no chemicals and fresh.

Unknown said...

When we were gardening I planted 2 plants all the other people did 1 because I found 1 lying on the ground so I saved it. My mum has carrots,tomatos,capsicum,cucumber and courgette. I love gardening. Once I helped dad with the gardening we did weeding for 2 hours I did the easy parts we had to keep stoping for 1 minute to get a drink because it was a hot day.

Caitlin said...

Hi. When we went gardening I plated carrot's and it was fun. When I put my hand in I cold feel the squishy wet soil.

Alex said...

Gardening was cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!