Tuesday, October 14, 2014

We made websites!

Hi - check out some of these links to find examples of some of our recent ICT learning.

Aren't we talented Year 4 students! Click a link below:

Cheetahs, Pokemon, Walking with Cubs, Cats and Dogs, Our Favourite Animals, Twilight, Superman, Minecraft, Zoo, London Tour.

Some aren't fully finished but ... Wow!


Nathan said...

My website was about minecraft.my buddy was Josh.On our website we put how to make armor,how to make a house and a bunch of others.

sebastian said...

My website is about minecraft .My buddy was Kurtis .On our website shows you pictures of redstone and it also tells you how to make redstone amour.

alex said...

my website is about cats and dogs I made
it with caitlin and lexi