This task is for you to reflect, discuss, share thoughts and feelings about your experiences. Be honest and let us know about challenges you faced and over come, highlights that will stand out in your memories for years to come, or just any random thoughts you have about Carey Park Camp 2009.
Looking forward to reading your responses Room 18!
I enjoyed every single activity at camp. I was really looking forward to do the Burma trail, but it was FREEZING! And I also wanted to do the Burma trail, but I my ears were locked and focoused on ANDREW'S SCARY CAMPFIRE STORIES.
Not to mantion the food, Carey park's chef is TOP CLASS! Some of my favorite deserts were:
Banoffi pie, ice cream and jelly and apple crumble with custard.
For lunch, dinner and breakfast we had yummy food like:
Cereals and toast, roast beef and peas and macaroni and fish
I really enjoyed our days at Carey Park. I wish someday we will come back and stay there again.
At camp I think I achieved more than I expected, I over came my fear from cold water in the water slide because when I was little I had a shock from cold water and then when I was on the water slide I got used to it. And in poles and planks, when I had to stand on a pole and fall backwards and rely on my team to catch me. I was worried they wouldn’t catch me but everything worked out fine!
The most annoying thing at camp for me would be getting to sleep, because everyone was so excited about all the activities we had done or going to do. So I had to express my frustration and tell people to get to sleep.
I really enjoyed the scream machine, when you got spun round and round it feels like your flying, and the confidence course, when my group all worked together and supported each other.
I took pictures at camp and now every time I look at them I can easily remember all the happy, fun and challenging times I had with my group and friends.
Looking forward to reading your camp reflections room 18!
See ya Anneke :)
At camp i really enjoyed the flying fox and the scram machine (even though i fell sick.)
I loved it when i got sleep with my friends for 3 nights and the food."the food is so yum the cheif so good at cooking like my mum"
by singh
Alicia here!!!
At camp, I really enjoyed most of the activities, especially the flying fox, the burma trail, rock climbing, and the confidence course.
I'd say the most challenging activity for me, would have been the scream machine, because it looked quite scary, but then I got over it by seeing the others say it was fun.
I thought the burma trail was a bit scary, due to the fact that we did it at night time.
The other things I enjoyed about camp, was that I got to witness some new experiences, and I also made new friends.
Like I said before, my favourite activities were rock climbing, the flying fox, the confidence course, and the burma trail, though I did think archery was O.K because I NEARLY got a bulls eye.
I also enjoyed the food they served at camp and I also thought that this years camp was much more better than last years camp at Shakespear Lodge.
Look forward to seeing others opinions at camp.
I Like the camp because we got to do new things and the scream machine . the food was nice.I was in the same cabin as my friends .
Good to see so many people liking camp! Yeah, I agree with everyone..
Still waiting for more reflections!
Your camp sounds like a great place to go. It sounds as if you had a few challenges to overcome but you all seem to have been great risk-takers. Tell me, what is banoffi pie?
Carey park camp reflection 2009
I liked all of the activities but the ones that stand out for me are the flying fox because of its height and how fast it went the other activity I really liked was kayaking because of all of the challenges we had to complete.And I enjoyed meeting lots of new friends from other classes.
posted by oscar
At year 6 camp I enjoyed...
The Flying Fox, I thought it was Awesome and it was really high off the ground.
I really liked Archery because I was good at it and got a few bullseyes. The compound bows we used have more thrust than recurve bows.
The Scream Machine was another one of my favourite things, I liked how we had to hang off a rope attached by a harness and get spun around, I felt like I was swinging so I started singing Tarzan The Monkey Man when it was my turn.
The food was YUM!
I loved the Nachos, the roast pork, and also liked the jelly we had for dessert.
The Inventor's Lab was interesting, we had to make a water balloon survive a 20 foot drop without popping and my group did it by covering it in A4 paper and carboard then we attached it to a plastic bag for a parachute.
So over all I really enjoyed Carey Park and thought it was a great experience.
Xavier o_O
I enjoyed all of the activitys at camp. I really wanted to do the burma trail and i think it was really fun.
I wish that we could go to Carey park but i wont be able to so i hope who ever does will have fun.
At Carey park i got to know more about my activity group and myself, i gained trust from others were we had to stand on a pole and fall backwards, i also never new that i could come down the water slide but when i tried it i actually went on it 3 times!
my favourite activitys would have to be the scream machine and the flying fox because they WERE ALSOME!!!
Hi Zach here!!!
I really enjoyed Carey Park because all of the activities were very fun except poles and planks which was not that much fun because I found it a bit boring.
My favourite activities were the water slide, confidence course and the scream machine.
I really liked the cabins and the friends I was with but I was a bit disappointed that Oliver got put in cabin 10 because he was supposed to be in mine and Jack's cabin 8. I liked most of the food at mealtimes but I didn't like how we had to wait ages for seconds. I would love go back to Carey Park again, it's so much fun! Zach
I had a great time at Carey Park.All the activities were fun, and I want to say a big thank you to all the teachers and staff who helped out. Something that challenged me was the climbing wall because I found it had to get to the top. The food was great and I enjoyed the warm cabins and heaters.
I really enjoyed my time at Carey Park. My 5 favourite activities were the flying fox, scream machine, confidence course, kayaking and the burma trail.
I enjoyed the food too but my favourite dish was the pork roast, which we had on the last night.
I am planning on going back to Carey Park and having all the fun again.
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