Since we spoke about it a New Zealand protester boarded one of the Japanese ships as part of his protest. He is now in Japanese custody as a prisoner, because he broke laws and trespassed onto the boat. He is now being called a 'pirate' due to what he has done.
For this post you have a few things to do. Answer the questions below after reading the article here.
What do you think of whaling in the Antarctic? Is it OK or not?
Is it fair that the New Zealand protester Pete Bethune is being held as a prisoner?
What should happen next?
YOU MUST also make a comment on something someone else said. For example: I agree with Johnny when he said ... OR Johnny I would like to ask you about what you said when ...
Keep up the awesome work Room 18, and we are looking forward to hearing about your ideas.
i don't think that waling is ok becouse if thay kill all the whales then there will not be any left.i do not think that holding the guy is the wrong thing to do and my idea is to shot the jappnes and shout "we will not stop till you give us back our guy or we will not stop.
I think whaling in Antartica is bad because whales are endangered creatures and we should let those still alive, live.
I don't think that the protestor should have boarded the ship because it is illegal but he has made himself and the antiwhaling group known around the world.
I think that he should be returned to his ship because he was doing what he believed in.
I think whaling is not okay because wales are living creatures and deserve there own rights.And i think they're just liars, because they trick people about them doing research of whale parts but there just not. Because this is like the 100th whale yet. And its good that protesters are helping the whale colony so there will be consequences for the whalers.
I think whaling is not ok because whales are harmless creatures and so why should the japanese be killing them and holding people who are protesting against whaling.
I don't think whaling is ok because I don' think anyone wants the whale's to be extinct and everyone will want the whale's to be alive and people should do something to stop whales being killed.
I agree with you poppy because whales should be free animals and the man your right about that one.
flynn you are right about the whales they do have their own rights to live and be free.
I dont think whaling is ok because the whales did nothing to us so why should the japanese do something to them. And if they kill them, there will be not one left.
It is also not fair on the whales example if you were just walking happily and you maybe to a shop or movie you would feel sad if you got shot and your family would too and so would the whales family.
I think the prime minister of Japan should band them from whaling.
I think whaling in Antarctica is absolutely NOT ok! Whale deserve a better chance of surviving and they are harmless poor creatures! Infact no one should be whaling at anywhere!
The protestor shouldn't have entered the boat because he knows it's illegal.
I totally agree with.... Poppy and Flynn about whaling and the protestor.
Posted By Sara Shah
I agree with you Robbie. You would totally feel sad if you or your family were shot to death. So that's why I say that whaling is an illegal crime.
It's ok if the japanese people are killing 1 or 2 whales to study but not a whole heap of them!!!! I feel VERY sad and upset about the poor creatures dying just because of US!
Whales are fabulous creatures! There ancestory extends way backin time, maybe even through the prehistoric times but we know that whales were once warm-bloooded land mammals centuries ago. Does anyone agree with me? Bye!
Posted by Sara
Milo i agree with you to.and thanks alot for thinking i am right is wal
billy your right about the whaling thing because nobody wants the whales to be extinct every body wants the whales to be alive (but not the whalers no no no) and the community is working on saving the whales
flynn what do you think of the man being held on the whaling ship cause I think that the anti whalers shoud do everything they can to stop the whalers and help the guy what do you think?
flynn what would you do if you where a anti whaler?
I don't think whaling is ok because they are mammals like us and they dont do anything mean to us. They should have the right to live in all oceans. Japanese like to eat whale but they should eat other fish that are not endangered. I think the japanese are doing illegal things and the protestor did an illegal thing too. They are both in the wrong.
I think you are right Milo because whales will be extinct if the Japanese kill them all the time.
I think your are right Flynn I think it is bad that they trick people into using the whales body parts when all they do is want to eat them.
I like what you said Billy because I think no one what the whales to be extinct to.
Robbie you are right about the prime minister of Japan stopping whaling. I think that the protestors should think of telling the Japanese people not to eat whale meat too.
nathan if you had to save animals like whales and be a protester what sort of things would you do to save the poor Milo
I agree with Sara because the protesters should not have entered the boat in the first place.
my mum said this about whaling: my mum said she is angry and shocked that nations keep whaling even though we don't want them to. they will soon have killed all the beautiful whales in our oceans just like hunters all over the world have caused other creatures to become extinct. why?
Robbie if you were a protester and wanted to save animals how would you save the whales what is your milo
I think that the whaling should is bad to kill endagered species and to also to kill too many of the ones that aren't endagered.
i think the japenese should stop eating whale meat.they are a very healthy eating country,but the whalemeat is not healthy.
i agree with Milo,whales are beautiful and we do not want them to become extinct.
I agree with Milo poppy and billy whaling is horable and nasty.bye
by Sophie
p.s stop whaling
I agree with Milo, Flynn and Poppy. Whaling is an illegal action and the Japanese are getting out of trouble by tricking people into thinking they are researching. If they were researching then they wouldn't have killed as many as they already have. If shooting chickens and catching fish was not enough then the Japanese are screwed because they obviously cannot stop hunting whales. Whales deserve to live just as much as the people who are killing them. If the Japanese think they are worth it, the whales actually stop the ocean from overpopulating by eating fish. If they grow extinct the sea will probably overpopulate and then we will have to destroy some land to make more sea water so that the sea does not get polluted by the overpopulation.
I think whaling is really dumb.
They are killing whales for no reason and if they keep it up there will be no more whales in the world because some of them are already endangered species!
I think Japan, Norway and Iceland should stop whaling right now.
There is no point holding our guy prisoner because they are not going to court with it because if they do the press will put it in heaps of newspapers and even more of the world will turn against Japan.
I saw some footage of Japan whaling and killing whales, I thought it was HORRIBLE, BARBARIC and INHUMANE! I could see the whale was clearly suffering and when they hauled the whales on to the ship some were still alive :(
Japan says their whaling is for "scientific research" purposes but the rest of the world knows that they do it for the meat, oil, blubber etc ...
Poppy I agree that the protester should not have boarded the whaling ship, you are also right the Japanese should give him back.
Well, whaling is kind of bad in a way, but if the Japanese don't over do it then, I think that's alright. But if they are killing heaps and heaps per day, that's just animal cruelty. The whales have enough rights to live like we do.
I agree with most of the people here, Poppy, Milo, Matthew, etc.
Keep up the good job Room 18. I am visit this blog probably once a week since we don't have a blog yet. This was my only time to post sinse I had some homework! ROCK ON ROOM 18 DUDES!
STARLIGHT(AKA Daphney from last year!)
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