Well, we are now back at school and really sinking our brains into classroom learning. We have had some great discussions about some of the things that we were able to take part in during EOTC (Education Outside The Classroom).
Watch some of the great events on this slideshow and then tell us about these things:
- Something you really enjoyed and why.
- Something that you found tricky or challenging. What was it that made it hard? Did you overcome the challenge? How?
- Something that you are now really proud of achieving and why.
- How did you support other members in your group?
What a great learning experience Room 18!
When I went on the abseiling tower, I felt really brave as i approached it, but then as i saw the tower I lost a tiny bit of courage. When I was up on the tower, I was really scared. I really was hoping not to be last. When I had my turn, 3rd to last, I slowly dragged myself to the edge. The harness was really tight and I couldn't get horizontal. When I finnaly made it down my waist really stung. I picked up my bag and watched Molly and Anton climb down.
I enjoyed abseiling because it was scary and it was kind of a challenge but not that much.
I found challenging canoe because you have to use lots of strength and it makes you tired I overcame it by believing in me.
I'm proud of finishing the abseiling because it was so scary and fun.
I cheered there name and shouted go and thats how i supported my group.
I enjoyed the raft building at Orakei basin it was fun because we sunk and also I enjoyed the absailing because it was really scary then when your halfway its really fun!
when i was doing the burma trial it was difficult when i opened my eyes but when i was blind folded.
It was funny when i kept on falling off the wind surfing board.
On the abseiling i felt worried
and brave at the same time.
I really enjoyed going stand up paddle boarding I shared a paddle board with Leah it was really fun because we were always jumping into the warm sea.
I found abseiling a little bit challenging but I got through it.
When it got to Islas turn I cheered her on because I new she was really scared that's how I supported my team.
I really enjoyed stand up paddle boarding, I shared with Nina and that was fun because we were jumping off all the time.
I also found abseiling scary because when I was half way down I got my finger stuck in the carabiner but when I got to the bottom I was really proud of myself.
I supported my group by telling them to give it a go even if you think you can't do it.=D
I really enjoyed abseiling at the abseiling tower, because it was like climbing(I like climbing things) except you went down not up. I went down fast, because I thought that would add a little bit of fun to it. I thought sailing was tricky because you had to set up the boat and then you have to steer the boat or control the sail. I was controling the sail, I had to stop it from whacking Adam in the head and I needed to get the sail so that we could catch the wind and gain speed. We did good in the end once we got some practice from sailing. I am proud of doing my best on everything because from that I learned how to do many things. It also helped me complete every challange that I have. After I had my turn on abseiling I watched the rest come quickly down.
I enjoyed paddle baoarding because the water warm was warm so it was fun to jump in. I found abseiling challenging because it is hard to make sure the rope didn't go too fast or too slow. I would describe it as quite scary but in the end I did it and I felt relieved and happy. My most proud moment was when I was wind surfing because it was my first time and i kept persisting. I would love to have the same experience again. Me and my group helped each other by cheering each other on.
I enjoyed abseiling because it was really scary at first but then after a couple of steps I got the feeling of taking one step down and letting some rope go.
It was also fun to watch other people do it so you would have a recollection of what you did wrong and what you right.
I also think that the raft building was fun because when the barells starting slipping off everyone was trying to get on other peoples barrels.
At the end t was just mine and Bridget's barrel left on seo everyone was trying to get on but we kept in pushing them off.
So are barrel slipped of as well so we all stared singing a song that we learned with Barry.
( and also because I was the team leader!!!)
I liked the stand-up paddle boarding because it was fun and challanging. I also liked abseiling because at the start you get this good feeling about it and then , some people get scared as you start going down. and then at the bottom you want to do it again.(I also liked everything else)
I enjoyed the Buma Trail because it was fon and difficult when you bump into trees.
I found stand up padell boarding because you can't really control your board where you want it.
I am proud of finishing the abseiling because i was really scared because when you look down it looks like you are going to jump of the sky tower!
I told the other people up of the top of the absiling that it is not scary when you do it
I enjoyed the abseiling tower it was higher than it looked and the harness hurt my waist when I was coming down.I found sailing challenging because going to the yellow flag took ages.
I enjoyed paddle boarding because we got to play fun games and jump of.At the bottom of the basin it was full of mushy brown mud.I found abseiling quite tricky because when I got half way the harness I was wearing squeezed me really tight and my fingers nearly got stuck in the chain!By Olivia
I enjoyed wind surfing because you got to go fast when you catch the wind and when you fall off and J.r would come and save you. Oscar and I would race Bill and Moala that's why I liked Orakei basin.
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I liked raft building because the raft fell a part and we got to have a big swim. I found abseiling hard and challenging because it was too scary. I did not overcome the challenge. I am proud of the pizza I made. Because the pizza was a success and it was yum yum yum. I supported my group by coming up with some great ideas.
I enjoyed sailing because it was motivating.I found abseiling a challanging because you've got to be confident and conquer my fear. I was proud of myself because I just did it.I sometimes help people by persisting them.
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