What a great time we had at the art gallery last week. We learnt about two ways to view art and also had some time to work in the creative space and walk around some of the gallery. We got to go into part of the light show as well.
For this task:
- What did you enjoy and why?
- What are the two ways that we learnt about looking at art? Give examples using the pictures of our trip.
At the Art Gallery there was a Creative space with lego,a place where we saw different types of art like a ocean with paint skin and blue colours.My favourite part was the lego.
At the Art Gallery, we went to the light show, the creative space (lego) and through the Gallery. My favorite place was the Lego and the light show. I liked the lego because we used broken bits and put them on to what we had already collected. I liked the light show because we saw three sculptures/art. My faverouite thing in the light show was the splat artwork because it looked like a real paint splat. We learned to look at art as an object and a story.
my favorite part of the art gallery was the Lego creative space. also I liked the light show and the splat art and the big blue sculpture I thought that was really cool! We learned that pictures can tell stories and scenes.
At the art gallery my favourite part
was the creative space because of the
Lego.We learnt that art can be an object
or a story.My favourite part in the light show was the splat it is an orange
splatter of light.
My favourite part of the art gallery was the statue that was made out of marble.I enjoyed looking at it because it had a lot of detail it also had a falcon at the bottom of it and it was kind of shiny and I think you will look at it as a story.One of the way you will look at art is an object or a story.
I enjoyed the creative space because you can touch the art and you can create art with lego.
We learned that art is not just a painting it can be a story or an object
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